Natures Atlas

How did I build it, and what tech did I use to go Live? From Logo Mark to brand and an e-commerce website. This is my work, you can see it all in detail below. Natures Atlas, an online health store in South Africa.

Logo Mark

In the video is my Illustration to Logo Mark using a Wacom Intuos 4 in conjunction with Photoshop. The Brand Logo Mark is depicted as a face, part human, part creature with an Organic appearance within a forest-like setting.

Quick Recording

The recording was a simple screen capture (Quicktime) which I could later compose within Adobe After Effects, afterwhich I would save it on my Central Distribution Network to deliver content at higher speeds as the video would be cached around the globe.

Creating assets to move forward.

From the Brand Logo and color guide, I would move on to creating assets within Photoshop to help with digital platforms and print work to accelerate the overall presence of the brand and to establish an identity to the audience who are interested in healthy living.

The main feature

Natures Atlas would need some integration to sell products, this is what the website does collecting messages, and leads from Facebook and WhatsApp helps the process of selling healthy goods to customers in South Africa.

What tech is behind it all?

WordPress is by far the most popular platform for sales, but the plugins are essential as Woocommerce is the main integration to allow sales. There are additional features like a Wallet System, a Currency Converter to allow people to use Paypal or Yoco (A newly found platform to help with payment gateways in South Africa - I love it! I used to use Payfast, but to set-up takes a......g.......e........s!), Yoco is an overnight integration. PayPal does take some time as only FNB assists to reserve the funds within South Africa, but the wait is worth it.

To wrap it up. There is a lot more to the tech behind this project, and if you'd like more info - let me know, I can assist you with an online shop. Tim Tello